Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lory Park Zoo

A perfect mid-week break away that recharged my batteries and put a smile on my face. And it's only 10 minutes away if you stay in Midrand.

I looked up from my camera and saw the parrot watching me intently from atop the gazebo. A voice behind me said, “If you hold out your arm, she'll climb on. Don't worry, she doesn't bite. Her name is Bella.”

Bella is one of the many parrots at the Lory Park Animal and Owl Sanctuary and are looked after by volunteers Cheryl and Theresa. True to her reputation, Bella didn't bite anybody, even when she became annoyed with me for trying to get her off my arm.


You can meet these delightful ladies and their birds when you visit the Tea Garden on the premises. Just prepare yourself for the noise!

In case you were wondering: some of these birds do bite, as my wife Kathy can testify. After extensive pampering we are of the opinion that she'll live. Shame.


'...Lory Park has many attractions that will endear it to your heart.'

Apart from the birds, Lory Park has many attractions that will endear it to your heart. It is a perfect outing for parents with small kids. There are play racks to keep them busy while you drink your tea or coffee and many 'wow' factors to keep both them and you entertained for a morning. One of these is the cub petting.


Currently, there are two cubs that you can interact with, a lion and a tiger. Yes ladies and gentlemen, there are lions and tigers in Midrand!

'If you have never seen a fully grown Siberian Tiger up close, brace yourself.'

  The zoo also houses 2 fully grown Bengal Tigers, 2 Siberian Tigers and two lions. Definitely a thrill for all ages.

If you have never seen a fully grown Siberian Tiger up close, brace yourself. They are HUGE.

The zoo is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 4pm. Entrance is R30 for adults and R20 for children.

Although the zoo is small in surface area, this is precisely one of it's strengths. When you have children, you don't necessarily want to spend a whole day walking around. This zoo is a perfect morning getaway with enough thrills to keep your children talking about it for a long time to come.

'...enough thrills to keep your children talking...'


Lory Park Zoo also caters for kids parties and corporate functions. For bookings or more information speak to Matty on 082 960 6415.


How to get there:

From Johannesburg

N1 towards Pretoria. Take Allandale offramp at Midrand. Turn right over the highway. Third traffic light (incl. the traffic light on the highway) turn left onto the K101/Old Pretoria Road. Turn right at the fourth traffic light which is Dale Road. Turn right at the third road which is Kruger Road. Go straight down Kruger, pass a stop street and we are about 800m on the right hand side.

From Pretoria

N1 towards Johannesburg. Take New Road off ramp and turn left. At next traffic light turn right into Old Pretoria Road. Turn left into Dale at third traffic light. At the third road on the right, turn into Kruger Road. Go straight down Kruger, pass a stop street and we are about 800m on the right hand side.


For more information visit:
Call: +27 (11) 315-7307

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